Tuesday 4 September 2018


My September had began with loves and lost. 

On 1st september, I've met some people who are important in my life. I got spent my time with them - laughing, joking, throwback to the past memories, sharing about the future, making a new memories - and it's was the best hours I'd spent on my 1st september.

and also.......

On 1st september, I got the news that I've lost someone who was really special in my life. My grandmother. A person who was really sweet, caring, loving to people around her. The only person I can make a joke with, saw her being super mad when I spoke a broken loghat negeri sembilan, share about my ex, ask her opinions about all my crushes and about my future, ask her to cook this and that for every eid. And now, I lost her. She's back to her owner. Dear wan, I love you, I do really love and miss you :'( 

Semoga wan ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan sedang berbahagia bersama atok ❤❤


Dear the rest of september,
May you will fill me with lots of love, happiness and success. 

Saturday 18 August 2018


Hai and Assalamualaikum there!

Aku kat sini ada satu cerita nak share

Here the story goes...

Last Thursday, aku pergi KL utk some job hunting and met some old friends. Then, my friend hantar aku kat MRT Serdang untuk aku balik ke TBS. This is my first time naik mrt tau. As soon as I arrived, mrt pun sampai. So, apa lagi dengan rushingnya aku lari untuk scan kad TnG but malangnya kad tak cukup baki. So, aku lari ke kaunter kad sebab nak topup. But again, topup TnG takde kat situ. pfftt. So, aku lari ke mesin coin untuk beli tiket but this is my first time using this, so sangat clumsy lah aku guna dia pakai tekan je itu ini dengan time tu gelang nak sangkut kat beg lah, beg tali putus lahh haduii sebab nak rushing punya pasal kejar mrt tu tapi again! tak lepas pun duit asyik keluar balik jee. erghhh. Aku dah putus asa. Mrt pun dah gerak because lambat sangat. At that time, I got so pissed off, angry, upset whyyy whyy whyyy must nowww. Aku fikir dah lah for the next mrt nak tunggu almost 1hr. Tiket bas aku 8pm. Masa tu dah dekat 7pm. 

So, issokay dah settle semua lepas masuk dengan beli kad KTM je last2 aku dduk dekat platform 1 sambil mengenang nasib mrt lepas depan mata. Suddenly, aku realized something dekat board which had stated platform 1 menuju ke arah nilai-negeri sembilan and all. Aku call kawan aku and tanya which platform should I wait. Then, she said to KL must from platform 2. voila! 

Disini highlightnya - let say, kad aku semua okay tadi and aku lepas. confirm dengan lajunya aku terus menonong masuk mrt 1 tu and sampailah aku ke negeri sembilan tetibeerr. Aku sangat berusaha struggle gila-gila nak kejar mrt tadi and sampai rasa sedih, marah, kecewa sebab terlepas benda yang aku sangat nak depan mata macam tu je, but the reality Allah is trying to save me. He wants to give something better. He is the best planner. 

Same goes to our life. When we don't get what we want even after all the struggles we had done- Allah gives what's best for us because He knows better. Be thankful in everything. Bersangka baik dengan Allah and you will taste the sweetness. 

Selalulah minta kebaikan dalam setiap urusan kita insyaAllah.