Saturday 31 October 2015


Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.

24 October 2015, Saturday.
Prekonvo done! :D

We did it!
We made it!
At last, it comes to the end!
Praised to Allah.

3 years diploma,
our work hard is paid off!
Praised to Allah.

and now, road to graduation!
and....we'll be officially grad!
Praised to Allah.

soooooo, naaahhhhhhhh! belanjaaaa gambarrr lah apaaa lgi! hihikkk. KITA ENJOY! :D

V shape diketuai oleh abg long kawasan: aiman tak kisah 
my dear classmates otbatch17 yang sakai sekalian haha. Tahniah!

your occupational therapist ;)

gadis pingitannn dilumpur hihikkkss

awhhhh! pasangan sejoli batch OT17 niii; semogaaa korang kekal bahagia hingga ke ank cucu cicit insyaAllah :)

anddd iniiiii! gang photoboommm!

this is amzar; elok elok keje tu! nnt belanjeeeww kami!
ms nik areenaaa and mr lutfil hadi
ms fin fin & aimang xkesah
yeayyy sister kite dh sampai ke penghujung utk chapter 1 je lah haha.
tp akak dh nk ttup buku dah. nak bukak buku baru dh kan hehe.
all the best sis! iloveyouu! imissyou!
thankyouuu utk susah senang bersama 3 tahun muahh! :*
take care sis! :')

zek eh budakkk ngadeee! xsangke boleh ngam ngam ayam dgn kau kan haha. all the best keje tuu! nnt blanje! :*

kak ering and atengg all the best for your new journey :* ad rezeki kite jmpe lepak sesame lg yeee insyaAllah. Take care guysss! loveyouu. missyouuu!

ok fin fin. catwalk k catwalk haha
waitt up guyss!

heyy si manis bershades ittew doakan kami semua yee. awaaa kerja elok2 k :* Take care dear, nyonyaaa!
Road to Graduation. Counting days. #1Nov2015 

Yeahhh! anddd we fly high!

Done chapter 1 from a thick book! T.T

Congrats guyss! :*
Wait up! #1Nov2015

This is not the end, but just a beginning....
May Allah ease us :)

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